Build your body by unleashing you
CrossFit is a lifestyle characterized by safe, effective exercise and sound nutrition. CrossFit can be used to accomplish any goal, from improved health to weight loss to better performance. The program works for everyone by combing 3 key elements Specific workout movements, Nutrition and Community support

Nekeneke (Movement)
The magic is in the movement. CrossFit workouts are different every day and can be modified to help each athlete achieve their goals. The workouts may be adapted for people at any age and level of fitness.
Kai (Nutrition)
Off the carbs, off the couch. The CrossFit lifestyle — a combination of sound nutrition and exercise — is the key to fitness and long-term health and wellbeing you will never feel better than you do with a little effort.
Hapori (Community)
Your support network. At thousands of affiliates around the world, people encourage and motivate each other in every class as they work toward their goals. Start training with friends. Make new friends.

Why does Crossfit Work
CrossFit works due to the follow key criteria that make it successful for anyone that is committed to change.

Constantly Varied
Different everyday CrossFit exercises are tailored to an individuals personal capability and capacity

Functional Movements
CrossFit uses safe, effective, and efficient movements similar to those you use every day in life.

High Intensity
In CrossFit workouts, intensity levels are adjusted to challenge the individual and safely improve fitness.